John Paul II has recently affirmed the Papal title, "Vicarius Filii Dei"-- The Vicar of the Son of the God. This a blasphemous title. Christ does not need a vicar, and Heaven has not so designated any man. This title, "Vicarius Filii Dei" is etched in the Papal mitre which every pope wears. The numerical equivalent of this Latin title, using Roman numerals known to most school children, is 666.
Please note:
Letter - Roman numeral value
The Scripture says 666 is the number of a man. Every pope is a man, and every pope bears this title. Thus both the individual Pope, and the institution of the Papacy are marked out in scripture as the bearer of this number 666.
We do not need to wait for the comic book antichrist portrayed in dispensational literature to come on the world scene. He never will. The major antichrist power is alread circling the globe, receiving the world's homage. I do not think the gentle John Paul II will be the one to fulfill in final form the antichrist prophecies. According to St. Malachay, there will be two more popes, the last named Peter. These will be the ones to watch.
If any man has an ear, let him hear.